
The International Poetry Film Festival of Thuringia is an annual festival dedicated to the genres of poetry film and video poetry. The center of the festival is the presentation of the Weimar Poetry Film Award at the Lichhaus cinema. The festival wants to stimulate and perpetuate the exchange between literature and media art, between filmmakers and authors in Thuringia and Central Germany. Weimar is a place of literature and art, and a city of great poets and poetry. It lends itself particularly well to such an ambition. The festival is characterized by the close connection between an international competition, its own film production, and the Poetry film magazine.

Ana Maria Vallejo

Festival Director and Curator / Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Ana is an animator and filmmaker. She loves papercuts, collage and experimental films. She’s co-founder of the Weimar Animation Club. She curates together with Guido Naschert the competition. She teaches at the Bauhaus-Universität.

Photo: Trevor Johnson


Catalina Giraldo Vélez

Festival Director / Head of Visual Design / Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Catalina is a visual designer and animator and part of the direction team where she takes care of keeping all strings together in the planning of the festival. In addition, she also coordinates our design team and takes care of the web design. She’s co-founder of the Weimar Animation Club and teaches at the Bauhaus-Universität.!projects

Photo: Trevor Johnson

Guido Naschert

Festival Director and Curator / Literary Society of Thuringia

Guido is the festival’s director and manages the Literary Society of Thuringia. Together with Aline Helmcke he founded the “Poetry film Magazine” and the Weimar Poetry Film Award. He curates the competition, as well as the international program.

Photo: Trevor Johnson

Aline Helmcke

Festival Team / Poetry film Magazine

Aline is a filmmaker and animator with many years of experience with the poetry film genre. Together with Guido Naschert she founded the Poetry film Magazine and the Weimar Poetry Film Award.


Camilo Londoño Hernández

Graphic Design

Camilo is a Colombian cuir (queer) writer, visual artist, and independent curator. He graduated with a master’s in Public Art and New Artistic Strategies at the Bauhaus Universität-Weimar. His work plays with the borders of images and words. Now, he is in charge of our visual identity.

Photo: Carlos Santos

Elijah Aran

Social Media

Foto: Trevor Johnson

Franka Sachse


Franka is an animating animator and an independent filmmaker. As teacher at School of Art and Design Kassel she is animating young talents to animate. She’s co-founder of the Weimar Animation Club. This year she is teaching our stop-motion-workshop at the ACC Gallery.

Photo: Alejandra Arévalo

Jessica Krecisz

Festival Team

Jessica is a media artist and filmmaker. Her work explores and mixes fiction, documentary and animation. Shiro is a fluffy Samoyed who never leaves her side.

Photo: Daša Geiger

Juliane Fuchs


Juliane coordinated for many years the Film Institute of the Bauhaus University Weimar and co-founded the former backup_festival at the University. She supports our team with her many years of experience in festival organization and in the film industry.

Photo: Alejandra Arévalo

Katharina Mänz

Festival Team

Katharina is Media Art and Design Student. She is part of the Production team.

Photo: Trevor Johnson

Lena Angert

Press & Social Media

Lena is a student of Theatre, film and media studies in Vienna and works freelance in media education. She is in charge of press and public relations and manages the social media channels.

Lucien Sieber

Universities Program

Lucien studies a double major in art education at the Bauhaus University.

Natalia Azuero

Festival Photographer

Nicolas Concha

Web development

Rokzog is in charge of web development and takes care that our website works without problems.


Nicolás Quintero Mosquera

Web Design

Nicolás is an independent film maker, musician and sound artist, studying Media Arts and Design at the Bauhaus University.

Polina Mitiaeva

Graphic Design

Sandra Reyes

Festival Trailer / Screenings Production

Meet Sandra! She’s an independent filmmaker and passionate about animation, storytelling, image and sound. During the festival she is in charge of video editing and has the mission of the screening projection in situ at Lichthaus Kino.

Photo: Trevor Johnson

Sebastian Giraldo - Bitghost

Sound Design & Music

Bitghost is an electronic music project from Bogotá, Colombia. Bitghost produces all music tracks and creates the sound design for our trailer and during the screenings at the theater.