The experimental animation film “The Song of the Flies / El Canto de las Moscas” translates audiovisually the devastation caused by the violence of the armed conflict in Colombia through María Mercedes Carranza’s (1945-2003) poetic voice as well as the dialogue between 9 Colombian women artists. In 24 chapters that span the day (morning, day, evening), a map of terror is drawn from 24 massacres that took place in Colombia in the 1990s. Archival images, the artists’ personal recollections, and the recurring use of loops bring to life the landscapes ravaged by violence, creating a polyphony of memory and grief, a universal song of pain.
“The Song of the Flies” is a three-part collaborative animated film – Morning, Day, Night – that can be shown either as independent films of 15 minutes each or as a triptych of 44 minutes in length.
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